DBC is excited to provide Acoustic Compression! This new German technology uses sonic waves that exceed the speed of sound, resulting in miniature sonic booms that can be directed precisely into challenged joints, muscles, and other tissue to alleviate pain, improve mobility, reduce inflammation, normalize circulation and help regeneration. Promotion of the body’s healing process is what we do at DBC, and Acoustic Compression has helped us heal hundreds of patients already!

Current DBC patients - please talk to your DBC doctor to see if this therapy is right for you.

Acoustic Compression services are now available to everyone! Simply schedule an Acoustic Compression exam and, schedule permitting, you can get started the same day!

To start the process now, simply fill out our New Patient form. On page four (under “Symptoms and complaints”), please specify that you want “Acoustic Compression services only”. You will get a call from our office to schedule your appointment shortly!

Acoustic Compression Exam....................$60

Individual Session......................................$60

Prepaid package of 6 sessions...............$330